What others are saying about this book!
I am reading your book now! I am so thankful. This book is beyond amazing and God is truly doing a mighty work and is changing me from the inside out. This book will help you take a very close look at yourself so that you can make the necessary changes in your life to be all that God is calling you to be. In return you will be ready to receive all the blessings God has in store for you.
Good morning
That insert from your book so bless me. I can't even explain it in words. I literally felt the hand of God picking me up placing me in another place as I was reading. The anointing to Fast is on this book. I ordered this week can't wait to get it. I just wanted to share and encourage you to keep doing what you doing. You are literally changing lives. Be bless my sister
Vanessa Adams
"There was a wall in my life and no matter how much I prayed it was there. I thought it was a unforgiving heart toward my parents but after reading this book and fasting I realize it was me who needed to forgive me and remind myself I am who God says I am. This book is anointed to help bring breakthroughs in people lives.”
Your BOOK has blessed me tremendously. The FAST book. It's more than just God opening doors for opportunity but it's about walking into the Supernatural favor of God.
Andrea Hardy